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A CNC Machine Shop, Los Angeles-area’s Price Manufacturing Supports a Variety of Industries

Posted on Jun 8, 2013 in News, Technology

Price Manufacturing produces precision screw machined products and serves as an experienced CNC machine shop. Los Angeles companies rely on us for customized parts that meet high tolerances and exceed expectations. Our customers come from a range of different industries. Working with companies across categories is both a strategic choice and a decision that...

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Screw Machining from a Precision Machining Company: San Bernardino’s Price Manufacturing

Posted on Jun 7, 2013 in News, Technology

Since 1980, Price Manufacturing has been using state-of-the-art tools and techniques to deliver quality parts. With the help of our precision machining company, San Bernardino businesses are able to solve complex problems and overcome obstacles of time, cost, and design. When customers come to us with a project, we sometimes have to guide them towards the...

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