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Price Manufacturing: A Precision CNC Machine Shop | Arizona

Posted on Jul 2, 2013 in News, Technology

For over three decades, Price Manufacturing has provided customers with high-quality parts for their projects and components. Through our work as a precision screw and CNC machine shop, Arizona customers get on-time delivery, parts that meet close tolerances and complex specifications, and a true partner in the process. For some companies, this concept...

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Seeking a Screw and CNC Precision Machining Company? San Bernardino and Riverside Businesses Rely on Price Manufacturing

Posted on Jun 29, 2013 in News, Technology

Price Manufacturing offers customers the things they care about most in a parts provider: reliability, quality, and accuracy. We’re more than a screw and CNC precision machining company; San Bernardino and Riverside businesses have counted on our services for over thirty years because we employ these values at every step in the process. Price...

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The ISO-Certified, Precision Machining Company: Riverside Businesses Rely on Price Manufacturing

Posted on Jun 21, 2013 in News, Technology

Price Manufacturing produces high-quality parts for customers throughout the country. Our efficiency and reliability come out of the processes we use from the design phase to the delivery of the final lot. When selecting a precision machining company, Riverside customers expect a provider to adhere to close tolerances, meet their design specifications,...

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CNC Precision Machining: San Bernardino Medical and Electronics Businesses Count on Price Manufacturing

Posted on Jun 12, 2013 in News, Technology

Computer numerical control machining allows Price Manufacturing to produce medium-to-large production lots that meet precise specifications. With the equipment we use in CNC precision machining, San Bernardino customers have more choices for high-quality, high-volume, and highly-reliable parts. The accuracy that our process provides makes it a natural fit...

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Precision Machining: San Bernardino and Price Manufacturing

Posted on Jun 12, 2013 in News, Technology

Price Manufacturing offers screw-machined parts and computer numerical control precision machining. San Bernardino customers choose us for the quality of our work, our reliable delivery, and our broad machining expertise. Our work process depends on the customer’s needs. Typically, either a customer’s purchasing agent or engineer will make contact with...

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